#13: Outlook 2021 (12/16/2020)
The year 2021 is extra-ordinary for several reasons, especially because it is the only year in the first half of the 21st century explicitly (but encoded) mentioned by Nostradamus the king of prophets more than 450 years ago. Moreover, Amma (so far still the spiritual leader of the planet) has made only one prophecy: in 2016 her warning of the 2021 micronova (very large solar storm). In this year I want to offer a general outlook for 2021, without direct financial forecasts though (reserved for premium subscribers). The tough year 2020 was a gentle cyan nightingale fart with a double silencer compared to what’s looming in 2021, when live becomes survival. But yet even 2021 is laughable in comparison with 2022 & 2023 dwarfs everything humanity has ever seen.
#12: Epidemics & the micronova in late 2021 (6/17/2020)
The timeline late December 2019 had been highlighted for years as an incredible event risk, leading to the onset of the worst economic depression in history in early 2020. Moreover, it was stated (in the premium area) that Saturn 0° Pluto in January 2020 has been *the* master constellation for epidemics in the past 2500 years. So I had warned in 2019 in the premium area that from 2020 the global logistics chains break & especially tourism & air traffic will experience a total crash landing. All of that has *exactly* come to pass: Covid-19 definition on 12/31/19 leading to (economic & other) events the world hasn’t seen before (crash airline shares by 70% in a few weeks). To my knowledge *no* (!) other forecaster in this corner of the galaxy was able to make a call with at least a fraction of the Amanita precision (regarding content & timing), i.e. Amanita is the best call girl on the galaxy.
#11: Prophecies #11: Questioning the divine (muscle tests etc.) 3/11/2020
In the 11th part of the article series on prophecies (divine will manifests in the 11th dimension) I’d like to cover the topic of epistemology, because of many requests: ways of asking God, with special consideration of ideomotor methods, spiritual errors & prophecies.
#10: end of internet (cryptos, GPS, 5G, electrosmog) (6/13/2019)
Bottom line of this article: in the 2020s the global infrastructure will be torn into pieces & in the 2030s a global infrastructure (as we know it) will no longer exist.
#9 The coming soul review (2/26/2019)
In this article I want to describe *the* central spiritual event of the end times: the soul review, as mentioned by the Garabandal prophecy, for instance.
#8 Reign of the 666 beast from late 2019 on 7 levels (11/8/2018)
As boldly claimed for years, the 42 months of the reign of the 666 beast will begin in 2019.
#7 Palm leaf readings (9/12/2018)
In the free newsletter from January 2018 I described my ongoing research project based on palm leaves for individuals, to find commonalities for the coming 30 years.
#6 Virgo constellation 9/23/17 (5/23/2018)
The 6th part of the article series on prophecies is dedicated to the 9/23/17 Virgo (virgin) constellation already mentioned in the Holy Bible, including the consequences for the financial markets.
#5 Eunuch bull market (1/10/2018)
The topic of this article is the coming fertility crash=eunuch bull market & the skipping of 1-2 generations in the eunuch bloc.
#4 Prepping & ‘safe havens’ (4/5/2017)
Today I want to discuss prepping (survivalism) in the widest sense, i.e. all measures to prepare for the coming the dramatic world events.
Part #3 covers the 3 days of darkness, Switzerland, the Armageddon machine CERN & timelines. Sure this looks like a strange combination…
#2 Nostradamus, king of the prophets (9/29/2016)
In today’s second part I want to discuss Nostradamus, the King of the Prophets, and zoom in on the coming 20 years. An essential part of his verses should manifest already in the coming years.
#1 Prophecies in the end times (6/15/2016)
In the first 13 years of editing this market letter (2000-13) prophecies were barely taken into consideration. However, since 2013 this has changed from scratch: in the premium area prophecies have been regularly discussed over the past 3 years & used to make successful calls.
1000% ROI through electrosmog protection (4/27/2016)
The articles of the years 2009-15 were dedicated to the 3 gross fields of the negative impact of electrosmog (EMF radiation): how electrosmog makes us (#1) ill, (#2) stupid & (#3) of bad (character). In this article I want to cover the negative spiritual impact (#4), which is also the quintessence of the first three. Without any doubt the cell phone is the mark of the 666 Beast mentioned in the Holy Bible, which explains why the biggest cancer wave in history is expected to begin in 2020/21. Understanding this topic & acting on that (or not) could be one of the most key decisions of your life, maybe even *the* most important one…
Mobile phone = mark of the Beast (3/2/2016)
The articles of the years 2009-15 were dedicated to the 3 gross fields of the negative impact of electrosmog (EMF radiation): how electrosmog makes us (#1) ill, (#2) stupid & (#3) of bad (character). In this article I want to cover the negative spiritual impact (#4), which is also the quintessence of the first three. Without any doubt the cell phone is the mark of the 666 Beast mentioned in the Holy Bible, which explains why the biggest cancer wave in history is expected to begin in 2020/21. Understanding this topic & acting on that (or not) could be one of the most key decisions of your life, maybe even *the* most important one…
Phosphorus, the light bearer (12/8/2015)
Since 2009 we have discussed electrosmog (EMF radiation). The topic began with the question: How sick are we made by electrosmog? My last article (published September 2015) was dedicated to the second major question: How electrosmog makes us stupid. Today I’d like to discuss a 3rd & final aspect of this topic: how electrosmog creates bad characters. To my knowledge this aspect of electrosmog has never been discussed before (properly).
Devolution & Digital Dementia (9/2/2015)
I have been in the forecasting business for 15 years & have made hundreds or thousands of predictions (depending on the definition). But if I could only make one call in my entire life, it has to be *this* article… which emphasizes its paramount importance.
33 bold hypotheses for the coming decade: crash course „End times until 2023-25“
Now I want to offer a crash course for financial people until 2023-25 – crash course in the double meaning of the word. So far I haven’t seen a useful & compact synopsis for the coming decade, so I had to write it myself. These 33 bold hypotheses most likely challenge nearly everything you believe in… and are light years away from everything you read somewhere else.
70 year real estate bear market: coffin nail electric smog (11/19/2013)
In April 2009 a crack-up boom through 2013 was forecast, accompanied by rising real estate prices (Link). This is exactly what has happened, in the US home prices have even reached a fresh all-time high in terms of real disposable income (link). In the premium area a 70-year bear market has been suggested long ago, to start in 2014 after the 2013 high (needless to say with huge regional differences, as real estate is always a very local market). 23 good reasons support this call, and I’d like to discuss 3 of them in the free area today.
Climate, comets & wheat (5/16/2013)
The late March 2013 timeline was of paramount importance in all areas, also when it comes to climate. The coolest March since records began in large parts of Europe is definitely a sign of what's to come in the next years & decades. There is absolutely no doubt that in the next 20 years we will see a dramatic climate deterioration. By the 2030s global temperatures should drop at least drop to the lowest level in centuries (comparable to the Maunder minimum) & possibly to the lowest level in millennia. This climate deterioration as a meta-factor could have a bigger impact on the fate of mankind than anything else!
Apocalypse beginning in August 2013? (6/20/2012)
This is the seventh & last part of the article series "Mystery 2012". In this article I elaborate the call maintained for many years that the apocalypse will start in August 2013. Let’s start with the definition of ‘apocalypse’..
The incredible changes in the space-time continuum (8/2/2011)
The 6th part of the series is dedicated to the incredible ongoing changes in the space-time continuum, which will culminate in the years starting in 2013 (so far we have just seen thepreparation). To my knowledge, this topic has never been discussed before in a market context.
Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution and its key role in the coming population reduction (11/18/2010)
In the 4th part of the article series ‘Mystery 2012’ I projected that health will soon be the most important capital and that against all mainstream forecast the rising population age will not be a problem at all, instead the exact opposite can be expected (peak population). In the last article EMF pollution was mentioned as the straw that breaks the camel’s back, so the 5th part of the article series is dedicated to this topic.
Peak population & coming collapse of global health (10/9/2010)
For 2013 I expect historical trend changes going way beyond the economy & the markets. Part #1 of the article series ‘Mystery 2012’ (Link) was dedicated to the wild sun, part #2 to the Age of Aquarius hoax, part #3 to the earth changes, part #4 is dedicating to the health sector. I proceed on the assumption that around 2012/13 (or somewhat later) the world population is topping out and then declines for many years. Following ‘peak oil’ I call this development ‘peak population’. This should also be ‘peak health’, in the years 2015-25 health should be the most important capital for nearly everyone as few will be totally healthy.
Earth & solar system changes (8/18/2010)
In the past months we have experienced severe earthquakes and the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland (Link), which grounded the European air traffic for the first time since WW2. This is no surprise for me as I have been predicting since 2001-3 that the ongoing earth changes will accelerate, including a significant growth of the number of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. To my knowledge, none of the mainstream seismologists, geologists, and volcanologists did foresee the rise of earth events the past years because they have no understanding that a new 26,000 year Galactic cycle is ready to start. In the following article I'd like to discuss the ongoing earth changes and the likely implications for 2012/13.
The Age of Aquarius hoax (2/7/2010)
This is the 2nd article of an article series on the topic “2012”, which today is becoming more and more discussed (2012 was also a movie title). At times the topic 2012 is mentioned in relationship with the so-called Age of the Aquarius, a myth I will debunk in this article.
Wild sun ahead? (9/30/2009)
For several years, 2012 has been circulating as a key year for the world. I'd like to start a series of articles that examines this very interesting but also complex topic from different viewpoints. In the first article I am discussing the influence of the sun.