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The Next 100 Years in the Stock Markets: Jupiter-Saturn and the End of the Grand Supercycle

Probably you can remember the slogan "This time it's different" being used to justify the stock market mania until March 2000. For companies of the new economy, the traditional standards of the old economy would be an insult. I have researched the question what is really new in the economy with the aid of astrology and ElliottElliott waves are an instrument of technical analysis to forecast the financial markets. The theory was developed in the late 1920s by Ralph Nelson Elliot in the US. wave theory. Eventually, I have come to the conclusion that this time something is different, however, in another way than supposed.

In business and financial astrologyFinancial astrology is the use of astrology to analze and forecast the financial markets. Here financial astrology is understood primarily as an empirical-statistical discipline. The probably first financial astrologer in history was Thales of Miletus who is viewed as the father of science and philosophy (together with Aristotle). With the aid of astrology Thales foresaw an excellent olive harvest, so he hired all olive presses that he lent out with a huge profit, which made him a rich man. the two planets Jupiter and Saturn (see pictures at the left-hand side) play a crucial role. Jupiter and Saturn symbolize contrary principles, the relationship of these two planets creates the balance. While Jupiter as the traditional benevolent symbolizes optimism and growth (profits, stock prices) while Saturn as the traditional malefic stands for pessimism and decline. Saturn is the root of all business activities because it symbolizes the principle of scarcity that forces us to use input factors economically.

Therefore, the so-called synodic cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. of Jupiter and Saturn is very helpful to explain economic cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets.s. Every 20 years Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct, i.e. they stand together which is called Great Conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn are involved. On June 22, 2000 the next conjunction takes place (heliocentric perspective), the dates of the last ones are: April 16, 1981 - April 16, 1961 - November 15, 1940. 

The Jupiter-Saturn cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. offers valuable insights because it follows an interesting pattern:: for about 200 years every conjunction takes place in a certain element. In astrology, the four elements fire, earth, air, and water symbolize certain qualities or basic aspects of being. E.g., the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are related to the physical and tangible world which can be experience with our 5 senses. The air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius stand for information, contacts, and knowledge, i.e., the cognitive world we can understand with our brain. The element of the sign of the conjunction shows the basic quality of the social and economic life during this time.

On August 25, 1782 the last Great Conjunction in a fire sign took place, in the following two centuries this happened in earth signs. At the moment we are again at the major change. The conjunction in 1981 was in an air sign for the first time for several hundred years. In 2000, Jupiter and Saturn will meet for the last time in earth sign (Taurus). 

The roots of our capitalistic system go back to the time around 1782 (industrial revolution). In 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish professor for moral philosophy published "An Inquiry into the Nature and the Causes of the Wealth of the Nations", which has become the key book for our understanding of the functioning of markets. Almost unknown nowadays is that with the "invisible hand" Smith meant something supernatural, metaphysical, divine, or occult. In the same year, the USA became a nation. Regarding the stock markets, the USA are still the most important country.

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Again, the long-termLong-term means a time horizon of years. development of the stock markets is explained by Jupiter-Saturn. Above you can see the stock prices of the last three centuries (since 1896 the Dow Jones Industrial Average, before an index of English stocks calculated by the "Foundation for the Study of Cycles".). [I borrowed the chart from Jürgen Küßner at a very interesting site.] Almost the whole 18th century stock prices remained stable, almost exactly since 1782 (!!!) a clear uptrend can be observed. Besides the Great Conjunction of 1782, this is due to the discovery of Uranus in 1781. Uranus is the principle of progress and innovation. Thus, another bold Elliott wave hypothesis is confirmed. The hypothesis says that 

the bull market of the last 200 years (Grand Supercycle) is going to be corrected soon.

Again I want to stress that the time frame for this trend reversal is 2-3 years. 


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Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. His revolution is 12 years.


Saturnfile 1239802992-49f2d1f6172ec2516b2b8cf337e96e2a
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, the last one visible without a telescope. You can easily distinguish him from other heavenly bodies because of his ring system.