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Mystery 2012 (part #6): The incredible changes in the space-time continuum (8/2/2011)

The 6th part of the series is dedicated to the incredible ongoing changes in the space-time continuum, which will culminate in the years starting in 2013 (so far we have just seen the preparation). To my knowledge, this topic has never been discussed before in a market context.

Let me start by pointing out that this article series was called ‘Mystery 2012' because the crowd is hypnotized by the year 2012. However, everyone & his brother betting on this year is an almost 100% guarantee that 2012 will *not* be *the* year. From my perspective almost everything aligns for 2013 as the year that will be most prominent in the history books, changing everything from scratch more than anyone can imagine. Referring to the blue star Hopi prophecy, Drunvalo Melchizedek (Link) views the 7 years from 10/24/2007 through 10/24/2014 as the critical window. ‘Accidentally', October 2007 was the all-time high in the stock markets...


The time acceleration in the markets

By 2007 at the latest all serious market statisticians realized we were about to enter new ground. In August 2007 David Viniar, the CFO of Goldman Sachs' CFO, complained that the action in the financial markets was 25 standard deviations from the expected value, which should only happen once in 100,000 years (the famous ‘Black Swan').

The outstanding statistical analyses of Mark Hulbert, the founder of the reputable rating Hulbert's Financial Digest, revealed that sentiment analysis is less & less useful because of the acceleration of time (Link).

Note carefully, however, just how quickly the sentiment winds changed direction since last week. Mood shifts that used to take weeks, if not months, are now happening in a matter of days - or even hours. This renders contrarian analysis an even shorter-term trading tool than it was already.

Confirmation of this comes from an extensive study of my stock market and gold sentiment indices - the Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index (HSNSI) and the Hulbert Gold Newsletter Sentiment Index (HGNSI). The study, which focused on daily readings of those indices back to 1985, more than 25 years ago, searched for correlations between different index levels and the markets' subsequent returns.

Prior to the last decade, for example, the strongest correlations were at the three-month horizon. Correlations with subsequent one-month performance, though statistically significant, were somewhat weaker. At the two-week horizon there was no statistically significant correlation at all.

In recent years, in contrast, the situation has reversed itself dramatically. Now there is no statistically significant correlation with the three-month horizon. And not only have correlations at the two-week horizon become statistically significant, they now even exceed those that prevail at the one-month horizon.

The few top analysts like Mark Hulbert are approaching the markets in this way:

  1. sound empirical basis: most analysts fail here due to tainted analyses
  2. permanent validation of empirical basis: almost all analysts fail at this point. Of the analysts with a good empirical basis only few check regularly whether the empirical patterns found continue to work. The (usually unconscious) premise can be characterized by the biblical saying, „nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). At the time of W.D. Gann one could still operate on this assumption, but today you suffer a potential shipwreck with this attitude.

In a nutshell, based on Hulbert's statistical analyses time has already accelerated by a factor of 6-7: in the ‘good old times' sentiment analysis worked best for a time frame of 3 months, now it's only 2 weeks, with a falling tendency. Hulbert offers no explanation for this empirical pattern, which is the subject of this article.

Almost all human beings including analysts still operate on Newton's 17th century mechanistic worldview, where time is linear time & future is nothing but a repetition of the past. As a matter of fact, the extreme changes in the space-time continuum are only recognized by a few stellar exponents of each profession. The crowd among market analysts, scientists, doctors/ healers doesn't notice that the world is different today: either they are blind for the transformation (the norm), or they don't have the psychological power to let go of convictions held for decades.


Time acceleration in physics & medicine

Jesus answered, "Knowledge about the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But it is given to others in stories. When they look, they don't see, and when they hear, they don't understand." Lukas 10, 8

Most disturbing for the mechanistic worldview is that even physical constants are no longer constant & start to accelerate (become shorter), e.g. radioactive decay rates (Link):

Something impossible has happened. Yet the "impossible" has been proven to be true. Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decay-once thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science-is no longer a constant. Something being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with the startling potential to dramatically change the nature of the very Earth itself.

In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause-and matter is being affected by a new force of nature - then time itself may be speeding up and there's no way to stop it.

In other fields of knowledge it's the same: few great minds are able & willing to acknowledge the changes. The excellent healer Henning Müller-Burzler writes on that topic:

Since early 2007 [...] I have observed massive fluctuations in the efficacy of all ‚subtle' remedies. This is not only true for homeopathic potencies but also for spagyric & flower (e.g. Back) essences. Since 2007 there are healing cycles. That's why many practitioners & clients of homeopathy experience disappointing results since 2008.

A large number of healers & ‘consciousness researchers' observed that in the summer of 1987 the world changed dramatically on a subtle level. Sergej Lazarev, one of the best-known Russian healers, writes in one of his books (calibrated degree of truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. 80-90% on average) that around mid-1987 many self-destruction programs were activated. The calibrations of David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., suggest that in 1987 the global level of consciosnessThe level of level of consciousness (LoC) of persons, companies, states, books, texts, theories, websites... on the 0-1000 conscioussness map of Dr. Hakwins can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. (LoC) jumped above the critical level of 200 for the first time in this wave of history (the past 5,000 years). This was the (first) unnoticed return of Jesus Christ - it would have been fought if it had been recognized. The insights of Lazarev & Hawkins sound like a contradiction at first, but it isn't. Actually the rise of the average vibration on our planet triggered a global healing crisis, so that many latent problems were activated, pressing for salvation.

The corresponding astrological event was the extra-ordinary Grand Trine (in fire signs) around mid-August 1987. The trine is 120°, i.e. the circle 360° divided by 3. A Grand Trine means a symmetric trisection of the circle, i.e. 3-3-3 in numerological terms. In the zodiac 333° equals 3° Pisces, this is almost exactly where the vernal point is located now (in the sidereal zodiac). The Mayan end date 12/21/12 also equals 3/3/3. ‚Accidentally' the benchmark index S&P 500 traded at the master number 333 on 8/17/1987...The stock markets topped in August & in October 1987 the fastest crash in history (to this date) took place. A stock market crash may be interpreted as a global healing crisis, in order to reduce the attachment to monetary values. All attachments (except to god) are a threat to the soul... 

Mysterium 2012 Teil 6



Truth content of the Mayan calendar

The time acceleration in the end times has been has been predicted by scholars of the Mayan calendar for a long time (by a factor of 20 with each wave). However, the Mayan calendar books tested by myself & the Amanita network have a low to very low calibrated truth content. To mention just the 2 main authors: both the „Mayan Factor" of José Argüelles (who died on 3/23/11) & the „Mayan Calendar" by Carl Johan Calleman have a truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. of 30-35% only. Hawkins also calibrated that there is not too much truth in the Mayan calendar (link). Nevertheless, according to our calibrations the end date 12/21/12 is the right one, which is also confirmed by market analysis, e.g. the functioning of the Tzolkin.

So the Mayan calendar theories are more wrong than right, but have a true core. Useful reading matter should have a least a truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. of 50-60%, excellent books have 80-90% and more. Most of the esoteric teachings calibrate around 50%, i.e. truth & falsehood are roughly balanced.

But why is the truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. of the Mayan theories so low? In all ancient traditions handed down for centuries & millennia a lot gets lost. It's like playing whisper down the lane for eons: the successors misunderstand the original teachings, so over time mistakes & wrong interpretations are slipping in. Partly these teachings were distorted on purpose, a fate shared by astrology as well. Briefly, mountains of misunderstandings, manipulations & ‘magical fields' are on these old teachings.

Lazarev notes that folks with a very strong future orientation usually have a strong attachment to the future. The highly sophisticated Mayan calendar is a major indication of their attachment to the future. These populations have to lose their future & perish: in other words, their future is destroyed in order to save their soul.

It's crucial to understand that the time rhythm modeled by the Mayan calendar was installed by the illuminati. The following paragraph has a truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. of 70-80% (Link):

Certain ancient groups chosen by the IlluminatiThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fascist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. Clairvoyants see these people with a totally black aura, without light in the heart chakra and reptile-like, that's why I also call them the "reptiles". Recommended sources: Jan van Helsing, Alex Jones, Armin Risi, Eustace Mullins, Gerhard Wisnewski, Walter Veith, Svali.-Elders, such as the Maya, were entrusted with greater aspects of the Atlantean knowledge, as demonstrated in the Mayan "End Times" calendar. This ancient calendar "prophetically" depicted the "2012 End Time period," when the inorganically synchronized Star-Gate/ wormhole False Yugas cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. of Lower and Parallel Earth would culminate in the Gate-sets of Lower Earth, our Sun and the Parallel Earth and Sun aligning with and opening into the Alpha-Omega Wormholes in the Galactic Core of both Milky Way galaxies. This "Intergalactic 2012 Alpha-Omega Gate Alignment" was designed to bring our Solar System and the Parallel Solar System into inorganic Metatronic Death Star Merkaba Vortex dimensional-blend within the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip center, in fulfillment of the IlluminatiThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fascist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. Clairvoyants see these people with a totally black aura, without light in the heart chakra and reptile-like, that's why I also call them the "reptiles". Recommended sources: Jan van Helsing, Alex Jones, Armin Risi, Eustace Mullins, Gerhard Wisnewski, Walter Veith, Svali. Master Plan Prime Objective.


The Galactic cause for the acceleration of time

But what is the scientific explanation for this time acceleration? At first we have to understand what time really is. Let's start with the theory of the active time of the well reputed Russian astronomer & astrophysicist Prof. Nikolaj Kozyrev (Link). Kozyrev was jailed under Stalin because of ‘counter-revolutionary activities' & shut up in a cold room to die. He could only survive because he turned to god & received warmth from higher worlds.

This key event opened the door for him to understand what time really is: energy from higher dimensions. The sun is also primarily operating with time energy & not (!) by nuclear fusion. It's similar with human beings: our energy consumption is much higher than the energy supplied by the daily food. In other words: we are primarily fed by higher dimensions. Some are even able to live just from light & breath (breatharianism) as verified by scientific experiments by the NASA and recently here in a hospital in Vienna, Austria, with an Indian guru.

Because time is a form of energy, it can be ‘shielded' with the aid of a special mirror, the Kozyrev mirror, which can also open a space-time tunnel. Only aluminum & granite shield 100% of the time waves, so the Kozyrev mirror usually consists of aluminum. Russian scientists have conducted numerous research projects on this mirror, their cosmism is light years ahead of (official) Western astronomy (link).

The Kozyrev mirrors are installed in such a way as to create a closed space in which there is a weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth, and which thereby provides more human access to solar and galactic information. Through numerous experiments using the mirrors with this intention, the ISRICA has focused studies in a number of areas, including human psychophysiology, pathology of disease and health, and the evolvement of telepathic fields and remote sensing. In 1990-91, a precursor of the rainbow bridge experiment was conducted entitled, "The ‘Aurora Borealis' Global experiment on Investigation of Distant-Informational Interactions in the Noosphere and their Role in the Planet-Biospheric Homeostasis of the Earth." The conclusions the ISRICA scientists have drawn from the experiments with the Kozyrev Mirrors are often startling to the Western mind, and can best be understood within the context of the Russian school of thought known as Cosmism.

According to researchers from the Max-Planck Institute the sun is more active than in at least 8,000 years. Now you fully understand the connection between energy & time: the increased energy from the sun & the Galactic center (gamma rays) are the reason for the dramatic acceleration of time (Link):

Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles-or some mysterious force-is being shot out from the sun and it's hitting Earth.

We are receiving more & more high frequency radiation (gamma ray burst GRBs >1019 hertz), which accelerates time. If you don't understand the role of the planet earth for our entire galaxy, then you can't understand that the GRBs from the Galactic Center aim directly at earth (Link). Without doubt, this is the Galactic synchronization beam that German researcher Paul Otto Hesse already discussed in the 1940s. This concept was later adopted by Dr. José Arguelles.

Actually it's neither earth nor sun which is receiving the energy from the Galactic Center but the Barycenter/ Center of Mass (CM). The CM is connected to the ‘ impulses of the torque (IOT), which is the master constellation for martial activity, in addition to the sun spot cycle. The IOT based on the ground-breaking work of Dr. Theodor Landscheidt was in the center of interest in the Vienna study group for financial astrologyFinancial astrology is the use of astrology to analze and forecast the financial markets. Here financial astrology is understood primarily as an empirical-statistical discipline. The probably first financial astrologer in history was Thales of Miletus who is viewed as the father of science and philosophy (together with Aristotle). With the aid of astrology Thales foresaw an excellent olive harvest, so he hired all olive presses that he lent out with a huge profit, which made him a rich man. , founded by Peter Fraiss,

This is also the reason why the paranormal abilities depend extremely on the sidereal time, as the excellent meta-analysis of US researcher Dr. James Spottiswoode demonstrates (Link). The highest time compression & thus the best connection to the universe occurs with the ascendant (AC) or mid-heaven (MC) aligning with the Galactic Center.


From Tibet to Germany

According to Lazarev, the point of the highest time (= energy) compression is currently found over Tibet - but it is apparently moving to Germany with the end of this 26,000 precession cycle. A thousands of years old prophecy spread by the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism says that the ‘roof of the world' (Tibet = crown chakra of the planet) will be transferred to the ‘land of the midnight mountain', which is Germany.

A similar hint can be found in the Holy Bible where Jesus says to the Hebrews: „Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit." (Matthew 21:43). The original text of the "Societas Templi Marcioni" states that Jesus said to Germanic mercenaries that the kingdom of God will be passed to their people. Marcion was the last one to meet the apostle John, where he received the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

Of course, the occult & secret societies have been aware of the coming leading role of Germany for a long time. That's why the illuminatiThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fascist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. Clairvoyants see these people with a totally black aura, without light in the heart chakra and reptile-like, that's why I also call them the "reptiles". Recommended sources: Jan van Helsing, Alex Jones, Armin Risi, Eustace Mullins, Gerhard Wisnewski, Walter Veith, Svali. were officially founded in 1776 in Germany - although in reality this was just a ‘coming out' & a signal. Germany ranks highest among the illuminatiThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fascist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. Clairvoyants see these people with a totally black aura, without light in the heart chakra and reptile-like, that's why I also call them the "reptiles". Recommended sources: Jan van Helsing, Alex Jones, Armin Risi, Eustace Mullins, Gerhard Wisnewski, Walter Veith, Svali. (#1), France is #2, England #3. Thus the New World OrderThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fachist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. (NWOThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fachist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example.) is supposed to be under German leadership. In the end times Germany is the king of the global chessboard. That's why the illuminatiThe illuminati are a kind of secret world government, their main goal is to create the New World Order (NWO), a fascist-communist global 1984-style dictatorship where every citizin is totally controlled with an implanted RFID chip. One of the exoteric key institutions of the illuminations are the Bilderbergs, for example. Clairvoyants see these people with a totally black aura, without light in the heart chakra and reptile-like, that's why I also call them the "reptiles". Recommended sources: Jan van Helsing, Alex Jones, Armin Risi, Eustace Mullins, Gerhard Wisnewski, Walter Veith, Svali. have been accumulating German shares for years, which explains the extreme outperformance of the DAX index compared to the rest of the world since 2006 (7 years before 2013). The coming leading role of Germany was already called 5-6 years ago in the premium area & labeled as one of the most significant events on the horizon.

It is almost never acknowledged that exactly this knowledge was the occult driving force behind National Socialism. The Tibetan Gelugs (their most prominent member is the Dalai Lama) wanted to help the Reich in establishing a new kingdom of God, with the monk with the green gloves playing a key role. It's just the tip of the ice berg that Schutzstaffel (SS) member Heinrich Harrer was the teacher of the Dalai Lama. The plan was to make Germany autarchic, i.e. independent from foreign energy & capital, with an economic policy inspired by the teachings of Silvio Gesell. Of course, free energy & free money not controlled by the high finance could not be tolerated by the illuminati. That's why the English prime minster Winston Churchill already stated in 1936, "We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." Churchill was influenced by Aleister Crowley, the most influential black magician of the 20th century.

The Gelugs also accepted Prof. Karl Ernst Haushofer, a Bon priest. General Haushofer was a co-founder of the Thule society & the spiritual-occult mentor of Adolf Hitler. Haushofer's teacher was the well-known spiritual teacher Gurdjieff, who obviously also educated the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama confirmed that the heart chakra of Europe is located in the region of the Untersberg & Großglockner mountains (at the Austrian-German border). In December 1919 (the sun was conjunct the Galactic Center) a group of occultists (Thule, VRIL and others) met in Berchtesgaden at the foot of the Untersberg mountain in order to channel ETs. This was successful, although as usually those receiving the messages were told a lot of lies, especially about the motivation of the channeled beings... But still, the plans channeled were the basis for the Nazi UFOs.

This leads us back to the Galactic Center, also called the Hunab Ku (supreme creator) by the Mayans, or Black Sun because of the huge black hole in the middle. This black hole is rotating so fast that it creates the Galactic equator (or plane). For over a decade I am the only financial astrologer taking the paramount importance of the Galactic center into consideration (Irma Schogt in the Netherlands has also a good understanding).

The name Schutz-Staffel was chosen because the initials are the same as for Schwarze Sonne (German for black sun). SS. The „Schwarze Sonne" was an occult circle within the SS, practicing meditation & being responsible for ET contacts. SS boss Heinrich Himmler always carried the holiest Hindu scripture with him, the Bhagavad-Gita.

Most world religions & secret societies were full of light at the beginning, but the initial divine impulse is sooner or later infiltrated by dark forces. As a high-degree Austrian freemason put it in a personal consultation, "Avoid the light, it will kill you!" This spiritual demise can be expressed by calibrating the LoC.

Several years ago I noted that the Galactic Center started to work in early 2000 in the markets: 13 x 360 days ahead of 12/21/2012 (360 days are a ‚TUN' in the Mayan calendar). Historical studies reveal that the center of the galaxy began to work in the first half of the 20th century, coinciding with technical innovations by Nikola Tesla, one of the biggest geniuses in history (Link):

Tesla created the zero-time generator in the 1920's. It provided a very basic time reference which is actually locked to the center of our galaxy. That's why they call it a zero time generator.

 In order to understand the concept of the Galactic reference point I am mainly referring to the book „Verschlußsache Philadelphia-Experiment" (truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings. 90%) by Oliver Gerschitz (not available in English). The Montauk-Projekt started in 1943 in Philadelphia (Tesla was involved at the beginning) is *the* hot topic for world politics, which is hardly recognized though. Understanding world politics is not really possible without taking the Montauk project into consideration. The Philadelphia experiment created an artificial Merkabah (light body) through very powerful electro-magnetic fields, so that the world switched to another time line. According to the Book of Revelation 3, 7-13 Jesus Christ said (Link):

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars - I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

 The "door that no one can shut" refers to the new time line. And the "hour of trial for the whole world" is referring to the biggest war in history in 1943, when the inhabitants of the earth were tested as never before. For further knowledge refer to these authors: Jan van Helsing, Preston Nichols, Peter MoonThe moon has a major impact on the markets, the full moon is more important than the new moon., Oliver Gerschitz, Drunvalo Melchizedek (the latter with a low truth contentThe truth content (%) of books, texts, theories, websites and so on can be determined with the aid of the muscle test or dowsings.). However, some insights are totally new & haven't been published anywhere so far.